How to Hold and Retain Power: A Machiavellian Approach
Learn about the 15th century Italian diplomat Niccolo Machiavelli and his advice to rulers on how to wield power successfully.
A Brief History of Economic Thought
Follow JK Galbraith on a fascinating journey through the history of economic thought and explore some of the most important ideas that have shaped our understanding of the world today.
The Muqaddimah: The Rise and Fall of Civilisations
Learn about the 14th century historian Ibn Khaldun and his extraordinary book The Muqaddimah which describes the social forces that drive the rise and fall of civilisations.
The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism
Learn about Max Weber – one of the founding fathers of sociology – and his theories on the role of religion and culture in the development of Western capitalist society.
Conspicuous Consumption: Our Desire for Social Status
October 22, 2019 0 -
The Muqaddimah: The Rise and Fall of Civilisations
December 7, 2018 0 -
The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism
August 30, 2018 0 -
Class Identity and the Reproduction of Social Class
August 13, 2018 0 -
May 8, 2018 0
Political Economy
How to Hold and Retain Power: A Machiavellian Approach
April 7, 2019 0 -
A Brief History of Economic Thought
February 2, 2019 0 -
July 10, 2018 0
The Origins of Totalitarianism
May 31, 2018 0 -
A Lifetime Reading Plan
If you have enjoyed reading our articles then you may be interested in downloading The Mind Attic’s Lifetime Reading Plan. This provides background information on some of the greatest thinkers of Western civilisation, together with the books and materials that contain some of their most powerful ideas.